You’ve got 2-4 seconds at the start of a business video to capture people’s attention as they scroll down their Newsfeed, so start with a bang.
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Video Production Jargon Busting: KISS It
Every addition/edit you want to make to a video will take time. As the age old saying goes, ‘time is money’. The more you want to add to the video, the more time it will take to edit, colour correct and mix the audio.
Read MoreVideo Production Jargon Busting: Steps Before Hiring a Video Production Company
Video is central to online advertising and social media. Incorporating video production content into your overall marketing strategy is a powerful action you can take for your company. However, not everyone knows where to start.
Read MoreVideo Production Jargon Busting: Time Matters
Businesses love it when people hang around their website, the longer the better. Websites are considered the digital shop window for many companies. Therefore, one of the most commonly tracked metrics of website engagement is time. Businesses that want a longer time spent on a website have an easy tool for making that happen – video.
Read MoreVideo Production Jargon Busting: Rise of Native Video Advertising
This week’s Video Production Jargon busting blog looks at why clients should focus their efforts on deploying native and video advertising.Advertising is changing at a rapid speed. With the rise of data centred creative campaigns and the internet, it is difficult not to get caught up with it. When businesses flocked to the internet and tried to increase their online presence, the more amazing opportunities they found.
Read MoreVideo Production Jargon Busting: Creating a Strategy for Snackable Video
This week’s Video Production Jargon Busting blog looks at how we can create a strategy for so called ‘Snackable’ videos and then deploy them through various marketing channels. Every year people make a resolution to do more, change a particular habit and/or say they are going to get better a particular thing… Video content marketing is very much like exercise, many people say they are going to do it, but do they end up doing it? No. If you have pledged to have an awesome content strategy, then here we are to help you.
Read MoreVideo Production Jargon Buster: Incorporating Video Into Your Everyday Content
People seek different content through-out the day. By knowing how their preferences change as the day progresses, you can use business video content to connect with people effectively depending on what they are looking for.
Read MoreVideo Production Jargon Busting: What People Want From Video
You’ve got ideas, we’ve got ideas, everyone has ideas when it comes to creating and promoting video content. I could even go so far as thinking that you’ve already got a video marketing strategy. But have you asked your audience what they want to see in your videos?
Read MoreVideo Production Jargon Busting: Incorporating Video Into Your Content Strategy
In this week’s Video Production Jargon Busting blog, we will be sharing with you three different forms of video content and how you can use them to share your message. We encourage you to experiment with these formats to help your business stand out from the crowd, drive engagements and increase sales.
Read MoreVideo Production Jargon Buster: Scroll Stopping Business Videos
This week’s Video Production Jargon Buster blog is looking at how we can stop people from scrolling past your business video. When you have spent a large amount of money on high quality business video production you need to find a way to catch the viewers eye.
Read MoreVideo Production Jargon Buster: Which video should I make?
In this week’s edition of the video production jargon buster blog we are looking at: deciding which videos to make, building video into your existing marketing, and setting smart goals for your video’s success.
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